DLL Rainwear: Puddle Stomp in Style!
Everything you ever wanted to know about rain gear, rain drops, puddles, and whatever else strikes our fancy on a daily basis.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Decadent Deliciousness
I have 8 very important words for you today:
Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Covered Peppermint Joe Joe's.
I truly believe I hear angels sing when I eat them.
Or maybe that it the dog whining at me because she wants one, too.
The bad part? They are 150 calories EACH.
But oh....are they SO worth it.
Unfortunately my husband loves them too. And I refuse to even tell my kids about them.
They are a holiday item only so I guess I'd better go stock up before they are gone...gone...gone.
Now I am going to go work out so I can work off the two I ate last night.
Okay, okay....4.
Labels: Peppermint Joe Joes
Monday, December 22, 2008
Menage a Trois

But now to disappoint.
I am actually talking about a wine.
I am not a huge fan of red wine but this stuff is fantastic! (They also have white and rose versions of the Menage A Trois as well--haven't tried those yet).
It is from Folie A Deux winery in Napa Country and is a blend of Zin, Merlot and Cab.
So, so, so good.
This is how they describe the wine on the label:
Take a walk on the wild side and explore the pleasures of our Menage a Trois. Surrender to the seduction of dark, rich berry with a hint of of pepper, a lush, lingering finish leaving you wishing for more...
Doesn't that make you want to buy some!?
You can find it at Cost Plus or Safeway and is about $8 a bottle. Being a Two Buck Chuck gal, this is a bit pricey for me but is so good I am willing to fork out the additional $6 a bottle.
You can also visit their website at http://www.menageatroiswines.com/
So make this holiday a little more exciting than usual...and have a Menage a Trois!
Labels: Menage a Trois wine
Friday, December 19, 2008
Eau de Hamburger

I just heard on the radio that Burger King now has it's own line of body spray for men called "Flame."
And it smells like.....?
Meat of course.
The company describes Flame as "the scent of seduction with a hint of flame-broiled meat". Their website, firemeetsdesire.com, states: "The Whopper sandwich is America's favourite burger. Flame by BK captures the essence of that love and gives it to you. Behold ... now you can set the mood for whatever you're in the mood for."
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Seriously. I like a good hamburger but I really don't think a man smelling like a burger would do much for me.
I think it might have been wiser if they made it for women as men seem more likely to be attracted to that smell then women.
But good luck getting a woman to actually wear it.
And good luck to any man who wears it actually getting a women.
Labels: Burger King body spray
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Our Customers ROCK!

I've been meaning to share some of the wonderful customer comments we get and thought that now was a great time to do so. We have the best customers here at DLL Rainwear--hands down! Thanks so very much to each and everyone of you....and special thanks to the ones who take the time to email us and say things that warm our hearts!
You have given me excellent customer service and it was a pleasure working with you. Thank you for being so prompt in your responses. Thanks again for all your help.
~Lynae J.
I'm shocked at the personal email from you informing me of this and getting back with me so quickly. I don't know of any other business that handles customer issues personally these days. Thank you!
~Paula J.
I thank you for writing back so quickly, especially during the holiday season it is difficult to find reps. from companies who are still so kind and accommodating - keep up the great work and Happy Holidays!
~Danielle K.
I was astounded by the extensive collection of boots on your website, ordering was easy, shipping was fast, and customer service has been wonderful! I will be back!
~Patty D.
The boots are superclass, the quality is very good and the size fits excellently.Thank you so much!!!
~Anastasia M. (Russia)
Wow! I never expected a response so fast...especially with the Thanksgiving holiday. You guys are good! I will put in my order ASAP. Thank you!
~Lynn M.
Thank you SO MUCH for your AWESOME customer service!! Your prompt answers, resolution, and understanding of my request cannot be beat. I will definitely shop with you again.
~Natalie B.
I received my new boots the other day and they are perfect! Thank you for the great customer service. It is greatly appreciated.
~Sharanda S.
I have recommended DLL to several friends and already have them ordering items! You have been extremely helpful, i appreciate it!
~Catherine C.
I'm even not smiling...I'm laughing because of the happiness you really presented me!!! You're the best from all the people I've ever met. You're the only one who didn't refuse to help me, for whom Russia appeared not a big deal to sell the products. I greatly and deeply appreciate for all your patience you had to work with my order for such a long time and not to give up! You had been encouraging me all the time even when I had the moments and didn't believe in getting the boots. Sorry for all this emotions, I can speak and speak. I'm waiting breathlessly for already, yep- MY boots!
~Alyona A. (Russia)
These are just a few...I will be sure to share more another time.
Labels: Customer comments
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
High Maintenance Hair

This is my parent's dog, Quai-Li (Quay-Lee). And by dog I mean kid.
And this is her HUGE box of hair accessories.

Mind you...there is no one else who wears this stuff.
All this?
Belongs to the d.o.g.
Oh, I mean k.i.d.
For Pete's sake. My mom never did MY hair when I was little. Other than cut it crooked I mean.
Labels: Quay Li
Friday, December 12, 2008
Holiday Shipping Reminder

Just a friendly reminder to take into account this important holiday shipping information.
Below are shipping dates for the contiguous United States. If you need your order before the 25th, please take this information into account.
Last Day for UPS Ground service:
Today the 12th is the last day for East coast orders to ship UPS Ground and arrive before the 25th. The 15th is the last day for Midwest orders and the 19th for West Coast orders for Ground service.
Last Day to ship UPS 3 Day service:
Thursday Dec. 18th: East Coast, Midwest and West Coast
Thursday Dec. 18th: East Coast, Midwest and West Coast
Last Day to ship UPS 2 Day service:
Friday Dec. 19th: East Coast, Midwest and West Coast
Friday Dec. 19th: East Coast, Midwest and West Coast
Last Day for UPS Next Day service:
Monday Dec. 22rd: All US locations
Monday Dec. 22rd: All US locations
For international and APO/military addresses as well as orders shipped outside the contiguous states, please see the Holiday Shipping Blog for complete information.
Happiest and healthiest of holidays to each and everyone of our much appreciated customers!
Labels: 2008 Holiday Shipping
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Great Deal on Kid's Boots for the Holidays
Practical yet fun, rain boots are a great gift that every child will love. And DLL Rainwear has the perfect boots at a fantastic super low price.
Our very own Raining Cats and Dogs rain boots come in sizes from toddler 5 to youth 4, are great for either boys or girls and are marked down to $14.95. Matching women's boots are also available for only $49.95.

Kid's Raining Cats and Dogs rain boots: $14.95
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Virtual Barbie Goes Primary
Barbie needed a new outfit and I decided she was in the mood for some bright primary colors.
This fun bubble umbrella by Totes provides color as well as visibility. Just tuck into the canopy to spare your hair from the downpour with no worries about bumping into anyone.
The Weatherproof rain coat is basic black and lined with snuggly fleece. Guaranteed to keep you warm and dry.
The Chooka Star Swept Primary rain boots tie both pieces together with the black background and the primary colors.
Total cost: $145.00

Labels: Chooka, Totes umbrella, Weatherproof coat
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Holiday Lights
My husband spent HOURS over the weekend working on our outside holiday lights.
Can you tell??

He really did spend hours on the lights but isn't done yet. I am not allowed to post a photo until his masterpiece is complete.
So stay tuned..
Labels: holiday lights
Friday, December 5, 2008
The Griswald (um, I mean OUR) Family Christmas

My husband swore while watching this movie that he would never put up Christmas lights.
And then we had kids.
Who begged him incessantly to put up lights.
Then about 5 years ago our next door neighbors put up over 20,000 lights in their yard along with various decorations. Not one to be out done, he finally caved.
And now he is in full-on Griswald mode. The first thing he does the morning AFTER Christmas is to make a run on all the stores to buy decorations for next year. Cuz although he is competitive he is also cheap. (Seriously---some of those decorations are super big bucks!) He recently made a SCORE at a garage sale getting loads of stuff for a steal.
He also keeps talking about wanting to make giant painted cut-outs of Santa, his sleigh and all 8 reindeer to put on the roof. And yammers on about stapling cotton batting on the roof to look like snow. Luckily he is not THAT ambitious.
Our neighbors are actually starting to put up their decorations as I type (and my oldest son has 'defected' to help them. That always goes over well....)
Tomorrow is "D" Day for our house, the D standing for decorating. I think he may have even drawn up a schematic. I am not kidding. It is honestly getting that complex. We live on a small, quiet cul-de-sac and only during the holidays do we have cars driving down our street to gaze upon the wonderment that is making all PG&E bigwigs smile. I have to admit. It is pretty amazing even if it is not at all environmentally sound.
Hopefully the rest of the neighborhood has their generators charged up.
I'll post some pictures over the next few days. Assuming we have enough power left to charge my camera battery.
Labels: Christmas lights
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Big Boots

One of our customers sent us this photo of her grandson. He has some big boots to fill!
Labels: big boots
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Car Sick Dog
The day after Thanksgiving we went to visit my family who lives near Fresno. It is about a 3 1/2 hour drive and a decent portion of the drive is hilly and curvy.
I am always worried that my kids will get car sick especially because my husband apparently thinks he is Ricky Fricken Bobby and drives like a maniac.
But who gets sick and upchucks not once but twice?
The dog.
Yum. The lovely smell of regurgitated dog food.
And the sound of whining.
All. The. Way. There.
Whine and barf.
Good times.
But the silver lining? Dogs make no sound when they vomit. Who knew?
Apparently this issue is due as much to stress as motion. Holly isn't in the car much and she does get all freaked out when she does go for a ride.
I personally think that she spent her Thanksgiving day kegging it up while we were gone.

Luckily the ride back was uneventful. This was of course because we were prepared with rolls of paper towels and plastic bags.
And because we kept her away from the beer.
The lush. Can't hold her liquor.
Labels: car sick dog
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Bay Area Style File Blog

DLL Rainwear had a nice little write up in a local fashion blog called Bay Area File Style.
Free press is good.
Labels: Bay Area File Style