Cherry City Rain Set
I really wish they made this set for women. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it.

Labels: Cherry City, Western Chief
Everything you ever wanted to know about rain gear, rain drops, puddles, and whatever else strikes our fancy on a daily basis.
I really wish they made this set for women. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it.
Labels: Cherry City, Western Chief
The latest fad in the realm of toys are Bakugans. They have probably been around for awhile but we aren't early adopters.
Labels: Bakugans
After months of planning, creating and lots of waiting, we finally have our first DLL Rainwear women's matching rain outfit!!!
Next in the works for DLL Private label items are a clog in a very cute bohemian floral pattern, a toile boot and a matching coat and umbrella for the Feminista boots.
I'll continue to keep you posted on the progress...
Bloggin off for now.
Labels: Italian umbrellas, rain boots, rain coat, raining cats and dogs
So I have written before about Holly Berry, our 7 month old Cocka-Poo (Cocker Spaniel and Poodle) puppy. She is definitely more Cocka than Poo. In case you missed my previous post about her, here she is.
Look familiar?
The remains...
They were on a table out of her line of site but she KNOWS I put them there so she jumped up on a chair, climbed on the table and proceeded to eat them like they were liver treats.
I am seriously beginning to believe the whole “the dog ate my homework” excuse. In fact, Holly has often eaten my work papers. And our tax paperwork. And the dirty tissues from the bathroom garbage can. She really likes paper products.
One of my friends told me that her mom used to say to her when she was younger, “Trust is like a bank account and you just made a BIG withdrawal.”
This is now where Ms. Holly “earphone eating” Berry now resides when we leave the house:
Back in Puppy Prison for YOU.
There are even wait lists for some of the bags. It looks like they have at least 2800 different bags from my quick calculation.
I just looked at one of the vintage Hermes Berkin bags and the WEEKLY COST is $1,690 and the MONTHLY COST is $6000 for a Guest and $4800 for a Member.
Sticking to my el cheapo handbags, thank you very much. That way when my Mentos spill and get all sticky in the bottom, I won't have to commit hare kare (I think that is how you spell it).
The funny thing is, their ad is right next to one for Gorilla Glue. The photo is a gorilla hand quite daintily holding a bottle of glue. Gorillas have kinda scary fingernails.... All I could imagine was one of those hairy gorilla hands desperately in need of a good mani holding a pricey designer bag.
I wish I had PhotoShop (and knew how to use it) so I could doctor that picture up and give the gorilla a nice french mani while holding the vintage Hermes. If anyone has those skills....send me the picture and I will post it!Labels: Gorillas, Handbags, Sex and the City
Labels: bad dog, barking, holly berry
Here is my latest addition of "Virtual Barbie". Today she is dressed in mostly black and white with a splash of green in between.
Labels: Kamik White Daisy, Rainforest rain coat, Totes umbrella
Yet another couple of weeks have gone by and those boots are still parked on my front porch. One of my friends made a comment that only I would ruin a perfectly good pair of $60 boots for an experiment.
I wiped both boots down, applied yet one more coat (that makes 3) of the rubber conditioner to the left boot and left the pair in their offical spot on my front porch to take more UVA/UVB abuse.
More in the next installment...
BTW...if the sun does this to a pair of boots with minimal sun exposure, just think of what it is doing to your skin without any sunscreen. Just food for thought.....
Labels: cracking rubber, Rubber conditioner, UVA, UVB
View south toward Santa Cruz from my front yard.
This does not bode well for the summer (which isn't really even upon us for another 6 days). We could use some of the rain those poor Iowans are getting way too much of.
Photo from Southern Ledger
Labels: Fire, Santa Cruz, Smoke
Artist: Tom Stanton, Holy City Art Glass
Artist: Kristen Mealiffe (that was really cool to write!)
Unfortunately the camera doesn't do any of the work justice as you can't see all of the vibrant colors and the sparkling dichroic glass intertwined through the pieces. But they still look pretty freaking cool if I do say so myself especially considering the pictures were taken with my beloved iPhone.
Labels: Red Square, Russia, St. Basil's Cathedral
I have mentioned before that I turned the big 4-0 in April. Apparently that must mean I am way more over the hill than I thought.
Labels: AARP
Was reading a book and having some Mentos. Next thing I know, the entire roll is gone.
Labels: Mentos
I found this really great quote online:
Labels: Hatley, Rain quote
You are formally invited to attend…
The nuptials of Kristen
and her beloved iPhone
on this 10th day of June 2008
where she will declare her
undying devotion
to no other cell phone.
Labels: iPhone
On Friday we met with Teva to look over their most recent line. They have a lot of really nice WATERPROOF leather and suade shoes for men, women and kids. These are for those of you who maybe don't feel like wearing your rain boots but do need a waterproof shoe. I am often in that situation so wear other shoes and regret it when they...and my feet...are all soggy.
Labels: Teva
Went to Target.
Labels: Mentos
I have recently become addicted to the "Fresh Maker", aka Mentos. So has my husband. And my kids. And my neighbor's kids. Apparently I am a Mento pusher.
Labels: Mentos
Labels: Degrade Fade, Pasotti Pink Floral, Pink Damask